A Greeting Welcome ! The Kensoft Purchasing & Inventory system has evolved rapidly. Our latest state of art version is empowered with Artificial Intelligence algorithm calculation.
We sincerely hope your operation will gain significant especially in maximizing the PROFIT.

Control and Monitoring Purchasing ...

The system developed to address the collaboration "Buyer & Seller"/"Purchaser & Vendor" communicating 100% paperless. This will enable meet the objective "SPEED IN PURCHASING, ON TIME DELIVERY & BEST PRICE". Our AI not only provide information regarding the purchases but will monitoring the timelines for the RFQ, PR approval, PO approval, Delivery, Quality goods received...


- ePR & ePO.

- eQuotation integration.

- Flexible eApproval. (ePR/ePO)

- Request for Quotation. (RFQ)

- Budget Control. (Project/ Adhoc purchases)

- Vendor Performance Rating. (Vendor KPI)

- Vendor Contract Management.

- Audit Trail logging workflow.


Lowest level Inventory Level all the time...

The system keep your Inventory level to the lowest as high inventory is a burden cash count burden for property indeed. The ai not only minimising your purchases vs utilization of Inventory level but plan for the upcoming purchases/ utilization projection based on outlets performance and Banquet Events...


- eStock Card

- Transfer (SR & IKT)

- Monthend Systematic Processing

- Wastage Control

- Inventory KPI

Tender Portal

Integration to Tender Portal...

We developed a "100% Fair and Professional tender portal". Purchaser and Vendor will be able to official endorsing their transactions where mutual party will not benefit in term of oppourtunity and time saving. The tender portal will speed up the sourcing till transact electronically. All the data will be protected all the time...


Tender Portal

- Registeration


- Bidding

- Advertising

- System Parametet

- "Audit Trail logging" workflow

Add-on Module(s)

Specialize platform...

The Add-on module is a performance tools that being built in order to fully costup your organization. With these tools in place. All the transaction is process where "BUDGETED > ACTUAL/EXECUTION > RESULT ORIENTED PROFIT. In short, a well control and procedure is adhensive all the times...

Add on module(s)

- Recipes / BOM

- Banquet Costing

- Casual Labour

- Entertainment Module

- Project Costing

- Maintenance & Preventive

- Reminder Alert (Self KPI)

- Notice Board (Memo/ Policy & Procedure/ Notification)

How Kensoft ai does for your business ?

Connect to Machine Learning. This will empowered and recognize the pattern behaviour in all aspects of the workflow tasks. The data input, data quality and integration is filter, organize & trigger for action when the Machine Learning need information to act. The Machine Learning is optional to connect to Data Center Central Cloud. With connection to our fast machine thus processing time reduce.

The Machine Learning offers data necessary for a machine to learn and adapt.
Data Mining techniques are mostly based on statistics as well as machine learning. Patterns may be inferred from different types of data. Methods used in data mining, such as machine learning, belong to the field of articifial intelligent.

Data Mining can cull existing information to highlight patterns and serves as foundation for AI & Machine Learning.
With Automation, optimization in your business in Purchasing on administrative tasks is automated efficiently well. Our Robotic Process Automation (RBA) promises to take over administrative duties and give buyers back that preciouss time. Outside of that, RPA can retrieve sale and inventory data and analyse it to help prepare a demand forecast. What;s more, that demand forecast can be integrated with an online vendor qualification and reverse auction tool.

Robotics will be used on both sides of negociation. From human seller's point of view, they will need to get get cognitive input into the process early to influence ths scope of the services and specification required to address customer needs.
These are exciting days in Purchasing. It coverage predicts a perfect data, effortless analysis and flawless forecasting. It mind the wave of enterprise spend management. Here machines can do what humans could not possibly do, quickly analyze massive amounts of mundane and seemingly unconnected data to reveal patterns, correlations and anomalies.

Specifically, ai in purchasing means crunching throught thousands or millions of data points from within or outside your organization. Hence.

1) Transactions details
2) Inventory records
3) Consumption and usage data
4) Contract terms and rates
5) Market information
5) Historical pricing
Artificial In financial, 70% of all the financial transacitons today re performed by algorithms. The decision making is improve from the big data leverage capture from the historical, present data and forecasting data. It beginning to enjoy widespread adoption, helping purchasing teams identify where costing sacings can be made.

It manage key tasks with greater efficiency, simplicity and speed. It leverage able to "understand" and implement company policies and procedures to guide actions, reduce errors, and speed processing things like invoices and payments.
The only way to gain true data inteligence is through seemless data integration. A single source of master data and metadata seamlessly intergrate will benefit you in the following :-

1) Alighment - Spend compliance, budget adherence, speed, efficient. You need "data inteligent" to be able to think and act as one entity where conversely organization nesses out on the situational awareness that data intergration provides, slowing down everything from sourcing to contract creation, cashflow, revenue generation, sales cycles and competitive oppourtunity.

2) Risk Management - Risk occurs because you don't see it. Lapses in supply validations, contract expiry and/or renewals, maverick spend and etc. It's common occurrences, but completely unnecessary.

3) Process improvement - As goal alighment, process improvement happens partly because intergration removed the data viscosity that causes the diverting of resources to uinproductive tasks. Having all that information integrated enables an organization to use it's optimized process - and ai - to identify and realize unseem oppourtunities.

4) Relationship building - Lack of accurate information dysfunctional the buyer and seller relationships. With deeper into the relationship, data intelligence can be extract possibilities they represent where price consideration, ease and speed of delivery, product development or refinement, customer acquisition goal is meet.
With Automation, optimization in your business in Purchasing on administrative tasks is

Robotics will be used on both sides of negociation. From human seller's point of view, they will es and specification required to address customer needs.
Completely synergize resource taxing relationships via premier niche markets. Professionally cultivate one-to-one customer service with robust ideas.

Dynamically innovate resource-leveling customer service for state of the art customer service.